healtpay about us
Payment Gateway- HealthPay

Payment Gateway

Digital Wallet- healthpay

Digital Wallet

Health insurTech- healthPay

Health insurTech

To be the first online payment reconciliation choice for both healthcare business owners and customers across MENA and the gulf area.

To provide a convenient and reliable way with advanced technology to make the payment process easier across various networks in full compliance with international security standards

HealthPay Card

Features & Benefits


secured registration- healthpay benefits

Secured Registration

HealthPay is empowered by FAB Misr under the direct supervision of CBE.
secure payment - HealtPay Benefits


Enroll in just few steps to reach and make it easier on your target customers.
Ease of use - HealthPay benefits

Ease Of Use

With a keen attention to details and user friendliness, you can create your payments easily with just a button click, allowing an easy way for pier to pier money transfer.

Completive Commission

Completive Commission Rate

Make transactions as much as you need, don’t mind the commission, our rate is the best across the market.
Quick Enrollment- HealthPay Benefits

Quick Enrollment

Only few steps needed to facilitate payments collection from your clients, which allows you reaching more target customers.
Robust Customer Support - HealthPay Benefits

Robust Customer Support

A dedicated customer support team is always at your help
Payment Gateway- HealthPay

Payment Gateway

Support online card payments for sustainability through the world’s most distinguished networks, easily connected to your application or website, totally paperless. Guaranteeing security and allowing customers to deal with single and repeated payments.

Digital Wallet- healthpay

HealthPay Mobile Wallet & SDK Reconciliation

A digital wallet that allows you to receive payments as a provider, transferring money from your patient’s wallet to yours to fit your customers’ user behavior, with the SDK tool for calculating and reconciling the service providers’ statements and gives added value to cash out any time.

Health insurTech- healthPay

Health InsurTech

Our secured blockchain technology features are combined to develop a more customized feature dedicated mainly to healthcare insurance services, creating a virtual hub where money is gathered and reconciled between multiple parties. In a way, it’s like a financing mediator between the insurance entity, healthcare provider, and end user.